Добавлено: Ср Дек 06, 2017 9:26 pm
Заголовок сообщения: Цвет "внутрянки" на Fiat G.55
Здравствуйте коллеги. Встал вопрос по окраске "внутрянки" на Fiat G.55.
Есть фото музейного борта, где и кокпит и ниши просто покрыты грунтом (типа цинк хромата).
Также есть фото где стойки хвостового колеса имеют "условно салатовый" цвет, им же инструкция и предлагает красить все (С312 номер в Ганзе).
И есть такой цвет как Grigio Azzurro Chiaro 1 (серый), которым насколько я понял директива и предписывала красить всю внутрянку (не понятно ниши и стойки шасси к ним относятся).
Или Grigio Azzurro Chiaro 1 и "условно салатовый" это одно и тоже?
Просветите пожалуйста кто силен в "итальянцах".
Most Italian WW II aircraft interiors were painted in Verde Anticorrosione FS 34272 although many variations in interior colors existed, depending on the paint supplier. On Reggiane fighters for example, interior parts had a more grayish tone (e.g., Re. 2000 and Re.2002 FS 34227) while other aircraft, the shade was slighlty more green, similar to FS 34230.
There are some important exceptions, for example on SIAI multi-engine aircraft, namely the S.79, the interiors of these aircraft were painted in a Grey similar to Grigio Azzurro Chiaro 1.
NOTE: Regarding Fiat G.50 Interiors (Riccardo Trotta):
"? in the magazine Aerofan 1/1981 there is an article which reports some parts of the official book "Istruzioni e norme per il montaggio, la regolazione e la manutenzione" C.A. 381 referring to the Fiat G50 2° series CMASA, May 1940 (practically a maintenance manual) so before the issue of Tavola 10, and about the internal side of the fuselage, it says " Tutte le parti interne della fusoliera sono verniciate con vernice antiruggine grigia" ... the translation is: "All the internal fuselage parts are painted with grey anticorrosion painting"; I don't know if this grey is the same as Grigio Azzurro Chiaro, but it is surely a grey"
Following the directive issued in 1941, the standardization of the Tavola 10 colors that took full-affect in 1942, aircraft internals of new or refurbished aircraft were to be finished in Grigio Azzurro Chiaro 1. This does not suggest an anticorrision paint was not applied to aircraft internals but that the internals were to be finished in Grigio Azzurro Chiaro 1, ie., painting over the anticorrison color with Grigio Azzurro Chiaro 1. Since many aircraft such as the MC. 200 and MC. 202 were manufactured before and after 1942, the modeler should determine, through the aircraft serial number (Matricole Militare MM) or the date of operations, when the aircraft was constructed and to apply the appropriate internal color.
М-да... Как я понял после 1942 года все самолеты внутри красились в серый Grigio Azzurro Chiaro 1 (допускалось что не все элементы), поверх ярко желтой грунтовки, но ничего нет про ниши и стойки.
А музейный, где то читал, что это не чистый G.55 а переделанный G.59, ориентироваться на него наверное не стоит.
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